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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Folder Lock With Password Without Any Software

Paste the code given below in notepad and 'Save' it as batch file (with extension '.bat').
Any name will do.
Then you see a batch file. Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker.
New folder named 'Locker' would be formed at the same location.
Now bring all the files you want to hide in the 'Locker' folder. Double click on the batch file to lock the folder namely 'Locker'.
If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password.
Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How To Get Ip Address On Facebook

I will tell you how to get
Friends Ip through Facebook. Steps: 1. First invite or ping that
person for a chat on facebook . 2. Make sure your all other
tabs in browser and other
services in computer are
closed. If Possible for you then
delete all the cookies-cache and
browsing history from your browser. 3. While chatting on Facebook
go to Start >- Run >- cmd . 4. After Opening command
Prompt Type netstat -an
command and hit Enter. 5. Now you will get Ip
Address of all the established
connections there . 6. Note all the suspicious Ip’s
and trace user using ip address
tracer sites like whatismyip or www(.)ipmango(.)com . It’s Done Enjoy… :) You can also find ip of your
frineds on Skype, gtalk and
Yahoo Messenger using same

Monday, February 4, 2013

Use Multiple Firefox Profiles at the Same Time

Did you know that you can run more than one Firefox profile at once? This can be extremely useful if you want to test out extensions more easily, create a web development profile, run a slimmed down profile just for Gmail, or if you just want to have a clean profile.
The first thing you’ll need to do is create a new profile. You’ll need to run the following from a run dialog or command prompt, adjusting the path if necessary.
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe -profilemanager

Create an extra profile by using the Create Profile wizard, and make sure that each profile has a distinct name. You’ll also want to leave the “Don’t ask at startup” box checked.
The next thing you’ll want to do is make another shortcut to Firefox. You can just copy/paste the current shortcut if you feel like it, then open up the properties page and go to the Shortcut tab.

Add the following to the end of the Target box. As you can see, my profile was named Geek, so that’s what I used.
-P PROFILENAME -no-remote
Now on the second shortcut, which I suggest you give a relevant name to, go into the same place except use the profile name for the secondary profile. Make sure you use the -no-remote option!

Now you should be able to use either shortcut to open a new Firefox window specific to that profile. Extensions, bookmarks, themes, will all be specific to the profile, and a new profile will start off at default.
Note: This assumes you are using Firefox 2.0. If you aren’t, then you should be.

Types Of Online Earning

This post will provide the various type of online earning currently present, together with repective informations .

1) PTC ~ Paid To Click
These sites allow you to earn by clicking on sites and wait for the timer to end before going on to next site. It is an effortless way of earning and only takes up a small amount of your time.

Earnings: Low [Cents]
Difficulty: Easy
Bot-able?: Yes

2) GPT ~ Get Paid To
These sites allow you to earn mainly by completing tasks, watching videos and doing offers. It has a wide variety of options to earn, and different GPT sites have varying areas ( Some has paid to search ).

Earnings: High [Dollars]
Difficulty: Average
Bot-able?: No

3) PTP ~ Paid To Promote
These sites allow you to earn by promoting their contents. It can be a promotion of links leading to advertisement, or banners showing advertisements. Most earnings are calculated based on CPM ( impressions ) with the exception of some.

Earnings: Low [Cents]
Difficulty: Average
Bot-able?: Yes

4) PTR ~ Paid To Read
These sites allow you to earn by reading mails and clicking ads. It is very similar to PTC sites but with more focus on mails. Mails usually appear throughout the day so there is no limit to the earnings.

Earnings: Low [Cents]
Difficulty: Easy
Bot-able?: Yes

5) PTS ~ Paid To Surf
These sites allow you to earn by surfing sites, also called traffic exchange. There are basically two types of surf, manualsurf & autosurf. Manualsurf requires you to type in captchas and have cheat checks. Most paid autosurf are scams with few exceptions, which pay very little.

Earnings: Low [Cents]
Difficulty: Easy
Bot-able?: Yes

6) PTSU ~ Paid To Sign Up
These sites allow you to earn by signing up as referrals for the advertiser. It is easy & quick, however it is rare to find one that really pays. A standalone PTSU is even rarer.

Earnings: Medium [Cents++]
Difficulty: Easy
Bot-able?: No

7) HYIP ~ High Yield Investment Programs
These sites allow you to earn by investing a certain amount of money into it, then ask you to do a minimum requirement in order to earn. At the end of the cycle, you will receive a higher % of money than what is invested.

Earnings: High [~]
Difficulty: ? (Risky)
Bot-able?: NO

8) PTW ~ Paid To Write
These sites allow yout o earn by writing contents and posting it on their sites. The contents vary from articles to pictures or other forms. These are two types of PTW. One pays you upon approved article, which is a one time payment. The other pays you based on the number of views to your contents, which could be cpm or cpc and make it long term earning, provided your content is still there.

Earnings: Medium (CPm based)/High (Upfront payment) [Cents/Dollars]
Difficulty: High
Bot-able?: Yes

********FaceBook HACK*********

********FB HACK*********
FB recently released new way to Recover Account Password using "Three Trusted Friends" . If we forgot the Facebook account password then FB will send unique security code to three friends. Then we have to ask that security code to each three friend. And after giving that codes to FB we can recover the Facebook password. We can use this feature to Hack Facebook Account Free

So here we are going to misuse this new feature of FB to Hack Facebook Account. We have to just create 3 fake Fb accounts and then have to send the friend request from those 3 fake accounts to the victim. Victim must accept those friend request. Now we can use this above "Three Trusted Friend" feature to reset the victims' Facebook account password.

Note : The 3 fake account must be 7 day older, otherwise this Facebook Hack will not work

So lets start on our tutorial on Hack Facebook Account For Free
1. Go to and click on Forgot Password.

2. Now give the victim's Facebook account email or if give the FB username or Profile name and click on search. And then you will get the victims profile account. Just click on "This is my Account".

3. Then click on "No longer have access to this".

4. Now you will be asked to enter new email address, just enter your own new email address.

5. Now Facebook will ask you to give security question's answer. Not to worry, just enter wrong answer thrice and you will be taken to the new page.

6. Here is the main part of Hacking Of Facebook Account. Click on Continue and FB will ask you to select 3 Trusted Friends. Their will be a full friend's list of the victim which also includes your previously created "Three Fake Facebook Account" . Just select that three accounts and then Facebook will send security codes to our fake accounts. Now collect those security codes and enter it. Then Facebook will send "Password Recovery Email" at the email address we entered in 4th step. Thus you can easily reset the password of victim's account.

No we have successfully done with Hack Facebook Accounts

Note :I have received the problems like they don't get the new page in step 5. So this depends on the victim's activity on Facebook account.

So friends, I hope you enjoyed this article on Hack Facebook Accounts and if you have any problem with this Hack Facebook Account Free then please do comment.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

How To Take Down A Competitor’s Site The Asshole Way

First create a free account on is a large anti-email spam service that I hear is secretly owned by Spamhaus (another free antispam service). It allows very bored antispam vigilantes (”spamcops”) to anonymously report email spam. From there they track down the host and server provider, tear out all the contact info so they can’t trace it back to you, and send them a report claiming you’ve been sending email spam. The fortunate and unfortunate thing about is they are very reputable despite having no method of verifying any of the reports are real. Hosts/server providers take their reports very seriously and often times after 3-4 reports in a short period will disconnect the targets server’s IP and a few more after that cancel their server keeping all their files. It really is a guilty until proven innocent scenario. The only way to win if someone is reporting fake spam against you is to really be a spammer and just shut down and move to a new host. If you’re a legit webmaster you’re pretty much fucked to say the least because they’ll just keep telling you to stop doing what you’re not doing and if they’re really patient they’ll ask you to prove you’re no longer doing what you were never doing. LOL

DMCA Notices Don’t Have Shit On Spam Reports
Once you create your account and login go to the Report Spam tab…


Copy and paste a few random spam emails currently in your inbox. Swap out the domains and ips (they even give you neat tools for this!) and send away.
If you do this every day for a week or two their server will eventually go offline. For them it becomes an uphill battle to keep from getting shut down.

This definitely isn’t a cool thing to do and isn’t in the spirit of competition nor is it affective against large sites like Wikipedia or Yahoo(DANG!). Likewise I wouldn’t recommend doing it, but unfortunately the tactic exists and is in play already. The problem is with reputation. Spamhaus and has a reputation as never being abused, but that’s only because no one ever bothers to check to see if it is abuse giving them a near perfect record. True recent story: I can’t say if my server really did send out spam or not originally because I just had no way of knowing, but I got this spam complaint. It was nearly worthless just had one of my domains as the links in the spammail and my server IP. I couldn’t find the problem so I told the server provider. That wasn’t acceptable with them so I made something up, saying umm yeah it was a sendmail hack or something. I fixed it. I fortunately could tell from some hidden code in the email that got skipped by the censors who the spam complaint came from. I thought it was over with but unfortunately I got complaints from him every day for about a week and a half. I fended them off till they eventually shut off my IPs with no warning and wouldn’t even give me access to the server to fix the problem. Haha oddly enough they said they wouldn’t turn it back on until I did fix the problem..idk. Anyways I said screw it and let the server stay down for two weeks. I come back and the guy is still sending spam complaints. Each one is dated for the current date. Basically he was spinning these emails and claiming my server was spamming him for two weeks without the server even being on. By the time I could even point this out it was too late, the servers and everything on them was pretty much dead.

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